Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget FY 2025 1-2 3-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18-19 20 Assessments Schedule Series 2015 Amortization Schedule General Fund Assessment Calculation Series 2018 Debt Service Fund Series 2018 Amortization Schedule Capital Reserve Fund Series 2012 Debt Service Fund Series 2012 Amortization Schedule Series 2015 Debt Service Fund Randal Park Assessments Schedule - FY2025 Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Adopted Actual Projected FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 MNoenxtth 3s P9r/To3hj0erc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d Revenues SCRAMpoceiestnloicctvineaaillitllsai aAeln sPsesroeouspsse mRrteeivenset snCuoentribution $$$$$ 1,1 5 5 1 1592,,,,,600078000600008 $$$$$ 1,1 5 13 228 ,,,,5558 81055250020 $$$$$ 1 122 ,,, 029 2 -05020005 $$$$$ 1,1 5 15 1314,,,,,505781040550502 $$$$$ 1,1 55 11595,,,,,600068000000007 Total Revenues $ 1,219,448 $ 1,210,236 $ 16,375 $ 1,226,611 $ 1,222,287 Expenditures Administrative IISFLPPPPETTAAAAOODDMWnnurrroIenifttrrseunafsCefshtioopgsbulgsionennsoebucAaeetippeissureaptnestralrsrrt,ee i mgmr Ea inhAgeaLsne vSrrCtealeexnmeeoui gdeittaimAgucsrpn yyyc n tpFve&Mereoiueeia eenpeTAeonrnrntd naeBgrlensitpa siiiFtostn eetinx Ape iTneFnsstsetrde dee iesC&Aansmcenihingghs saSaiegennnurnrocibgtselestoscrgrayitpiotinons $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111124 1111112458000226 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0122355689000555 11238900000005770000010000170000000258000005000058 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 3 1445677784 ,,,,,,,,,, 1234468898 12235579 ---000012377812234457 0000135796 600124578 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 23471 ,,,,, 02786 223344 ---------- 02562 1123678000995025788 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 14 11124455778956 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00122234689956 12779 -- 00000001577715 20455700000002357859100125 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111125 1111122458000122 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000235556800000511238900000035690000020000170000004456000045000058 Total Administrative $ 143,313 $ 92,324 $ 31,582 $ 123,907 $ 147,671 Maintenance Contract Services: SFLLMeiaaeickntluiddegr saMMicttiyaaaopi nPnneaat MgMeternomaoanilnneicttnoeetnrianngce $$$$$ 3 1114111994,,,,,226960345700061 $$$$$ 2 1113 84496,,,,,048901058000123 $$$$$ 17 24408,,,,,689160781600489 $$$$$ 3 1113100994,,,,,026960038700061 $$$$$ 3 1124301190,,,,,226940345000034 Repairs & Maintenance IFFLPROrraaoeprecnpueisigdranlsiaaisttruttcaysiiraion nMe&png WRe a SMR iReunaepaepstpiapehpnainlriltianireasecgsnnseacmneecnet $$$$$$$ 1133 3990025,,,,,,,008000400000010000001 $$$$$$$ 12 2679914,,,,,,,034473400134020567978 $$$$$$$ 2 23380 ,,,,, 13562 5 -067859133435 $$$$$$$ 1133 3990025,,,,,,,008000400000010000001 $$$$$$$ 1133 3990045,,,,,,,008000000000030000001 Subtotal Maintenance $ 515,908 $ 363,889 $ 139,809 $ 503,698 $ 534,259 Description 1 Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Adopted Actual Projected Description FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 MNoenxtth 3s P9r/To3hj0erc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d Utilities SUttrileietitelisg -h Ctionmgmon Area $$ 1 3100,,000000 $$ 1767,,185837 $$ 2 65,,980000 $$ 1 2032,,798537 $$ 1 3231,,000000 Amenity Center JSSFCPPPPPRAAAUHHaepeooooaitemmmoVntcisebfoooonlliuuAtceeeiiltlllletd es irnnnoCCCPAMisa aeieTiiiro esthlMtttty s aiSyEyyy tnrVeaR iee-Da mv tnmlM/CRM ren irASeetInvepieodioenecnatmctnipaalnronntcetatianevesarenarileitsrntniagsarrocs ntie &cn s&etArieme oycs& itc RneMn /eCc egMTsneeapsteniaansltiie nterCpertsanhernaodnansnceece $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 11112229 112455913555689 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000458900134558 550000158000001255700000350000000404 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1112227 1223890022359 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0247770123669 255 -11266902557990240023990123566345 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 2 1122234555794 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0000223557990 356 -00004455678932450000001456891157 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111222229 1124459002255689 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0001377012345679 50022459000245567700000150000022464 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 11112230 12345901555690 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0013580224556955 -00045600044553570005780000001004 Other CPTroroannptisenfregtrey nO Icnuyst u- rCaanpcietal Reserve $$$ 159003,,,079024057 $$$ 4 27,, 28 -6754 $$$ 9 73,, 79 -3255 $$$ 149037,,,089027045 $$$ 235455,,,008013229 Subtotal Maintenance $ 560,227 $ 357,516 $ 210,627 $ 568,143 $ 540,358 Total Expenditures $ 1,219,448 $ 813,729 $ 382,019 $ 1,195,748 $ 1,222,287 Excess Revenues/(Expenditures) $ - $ 396,507 $ (365,644) $ 30,864 $ - Adopted Adopted Proposed Proposed Proposed FY25 Budget Budget Budget Budget Increase/ FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 (Decrease) PPeerr UUnniitt AAsssseessssmmeenntt -- PRhaansdeasl 1W -a 5lk $$$$$ 1 1,0 9 ,12 676940131,,0,843.9.826930080084 $$$$$ 1 1,0 9 ,12 676940131,,0,843.9.826930080084 $$$$$ 11 1,,12 ,425 77315381,,,5165.9.889140001174 $$$$$ 11 1,,12 ,425 77315381,,,5165.9.889140001174 $$$$$ ----- Notes: (1 thru 6) is shared costs with Colonial Properties Total Proposed Shared Colonial Properties FY2024 Budget Costs Allocation 123456 ISFLLUrtiaatreriknleliidgdeeta sitMMetlciisaagaopihnnneta tRi gMeneengmapaianneictnreestn &an Mceaintenance $$$$$$ 13 112323001301,,,,,,006904003400000304 $$$$$$ 18 123607,,,,,,034804049916024937 $$$$$$ 4 11353 ,,,,,02295 6023409023679 Totals: $ 111,215 $ 55,607 Assessable Units GANredotd As: s sD Asiessscssoemussnemtnste s&nt Csollections 6% 2 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET REVENUES: Special Assessments The District will levy a non-ad valorem assessment on all of the assessable property within the District the operating expenditures during the fiscal year. in order to pay for CpPooelrro ttnihoiean l c oPofrs Rot apshneradtraieel sPa Craroraknn tBgrilebvmdut.e inotn, this amount reflects 50% of the estimated maintenance cost for Dowden Rd and the offsite Miscellaneous Revenue Represents estimated income the District may receive that is not accounted for in other categories. Activities Represents fees collected by onsite management company related to various activities operated by the District. Rentals aTnhnei vDeirsstarriciet s,a wlloewdds inmges,m ebtce. rs of the public to rent the Clubhouse for various functions such as birthday parties, EXPENDITURES: Administrative: Supervisor Fees bTohaer Fdl moreidetai nSgtas,t untoets t oa leloxcwese de a$c4h,8 s0u0p peervr iyseoarr t. o T bhee apmaiodu $n2t 0is0 b paesre dm uepeotinn fgi vfeo rs utpheer tviimsoer ds eavttoetneddi ntog 1D2is mtroicntt hbulys mineeessti nagnsd. FICA Expense Represents the Employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Supervisors checks. Annual Audit CTehret iDfiiesdtr Picut bisli cr eAqcucioruend tbinyg F Floirrmid.a T Shtea tDuitsetsr itcot ’as raruadnigtein fgo rfi ramn iinsd Gerpaeun &de Ansts aoucdiaitte osf. its financial records by an Independent TaTtrh uWes Dteelielss tF rFeiacerts g isos Buaendk S. eries 2012, Series 2015 and Series 2018 Special Assessment Bonds that are deposited with a Trustee 3 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET DaSTdehisrdesvi etiDmcioiesinsnt ara–il tc Critoee inpns ot Arrrgeateqil nnFugtli o rrerediqd uab,iy rL etLmhCee tnSoet psc rufoorvirt iyud near ntahdti esEd sx ebcrhovanindceg i.es s Cuoems. m Tihssei oDnis ttori ccto hmapsl yco wnittrha cRteudle w 1i5thc2 G-1ov2e(brn) m(5e)n wtahl iMcha nraeglaetmese ntot 2AT0rhb1ei 2tDr, iaSsgetrerii cets h 2a0s1 c5o natnrda cSteerdie ws i2th0 1G8r aSup &ec Aiasls Aoscsiaetsessm toen cta Blcounladtse. the District’s annual Arbitrage Rebate Liability on the Series Engineering Tbohaer Dd imstreiectti'ns gesn, greinveieewr p inrovvoiidceess , geetnc.e rTahl ee nDgisintreiecrt ihnags s ceornvticraecs tteod t wheit Dh iVstarnicats,s ee. gH. aanttgeennd Banrucest alinnd, Ipnrce. paration for monthly Attorney &Tmh eBeee tDainuisgdtsirn,i pcetr, 'eLs pLlaePrg. aa tli ocnou annsde lr epvrioevwid oefs a ggerneeemrael nletsg,a rle sseorlvuitcioesn st,o e ttch.e TDhies tDriicstt,r iec.gt .h aatst ecnodnatrnaccet eadn wd ipthre Lpaatrhaatmio,n S fhourk mero, nEtdhelny AcToshslelee sDcstmiisotenrni toc tfA ahd mansoi nncio-satndrta rvtaaicoltoner de mw iatshs eGsosvmeernnmt oenn taalll aMssaensasgaebmlee pnrto Speerrvtiyc ewsi-tCheinn ttrhael DFliostrriidcat,. LLC, to levy and administer the Management Fees TtArhcaceno sDucnrisitptirntiigco tn ah noadfs b Rcoeoacnrodtrr mdacienteegdt iS nwegcsirt, heat daGmroyvi neSiresnrtrvmaicetienvste a fslo erMr vtahinceae gsD,e ibmsuterdnigctet .tS Tpehrrveeip csaeersra vt–ii ocCenes, n aitlnrl caflilun Fdalneo,c ribiadula tr, e nLpoLotCr t liitnmog ip,t eardno nvtiuoda,e lr aMeucadonirtadsgi, neegmtc ae. nndt, Information Technology ftRrheaepu rDde ipssetrrnoittcest c vstauiorcniho, uaascs c cvooiudsnte tooin fc gion snfoofefrtrmwenaatcriieon,n gt a,t bcellceohtunsd of olsortgo myra ewgeeitti hna gnGsdo, Avseedrrovnbemer,se M,n ptiacorls oMitsioavnfeta Opgafefymic ieemn, ept tlScee.m rveincteast i–o nC eanntdra pl rFolgorraidmam, LiLnCg ffoorr Website Maintenance uCGRphoedpavpearertteenssrem ,n 1etd8sno9 tcta, huFl emMl ocearonindstaat gs uSe pamtalsotesuaondtcte siSas, e.t ehrTvdohi secwtesinesit gh–s e Camrenvonidcnt eridastoo li rmFnilcnoalguirn idda enar e dsLni LtmeeCw a.p aienlrstf,ao irwnmienabgns ictthee e a bsDsaiecssktsrumipcste’,ns tewst,c es. beTsciuhtreei tcDyr ieasantrtdei cdfti rieinsw acacollcn omtrradaiacnntteceden awwniicttehh, Telephone Telephone and fax machine. 4 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Postage Mailing of Board Meeting agenda packages, overnight deliveries, checks for correspondence. vendors, and any other required Insurance T(FhIeA )D. i sFtIrAic stp’se gceianleizreasl ilnia pbriloitvyi dainndg ipnusbulrica nocfefi ccioavlse rlaiagbei ltioty g ionvseurrnamnceen tcaolv aegreangcei eiss . p r ovided by Florida Insurance Alliance Printing & Binding Printing and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes etc. Legal Advertising bAiddvdeirntgis, iin.eg. aouf dmito snetrhvliyc ebso, aerndg imneeeertiinngg ss,e pruvibcleic, mheaainritnengsa,n acned c oanntyr ascetrsv aicneds athnayt o atrhee rr eaqduvierretdis itnog b teh aatd mvearyt ibseed r efoqru ipruedb.l i c OBathnekr cChuarrrgeenst aCnhda ragneys o ther miscellaneous expenses incurred during the fiscal year. Office Supplies Tcahret rDidisgtersic, tp ianpceurr,s f iclhea frogldese rfos,r b siunpdpelrise,s p tehnast ,n peaepde tro c bliep ps,u arncdh aostehde rd usuricnhg o tfhfeic fei sscuapl pyleiaers,. including copier and printer toner Property Appraiser Represents the fees to be paid to the Orange County Property Appraiser for annual assessment roll administration. Property Taxes Represents the non-ad valorem assessment from Orange County that will be charged to the District. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions uTnhde eDri tshtrisic ct aiste rgeoqruyi rfoerd tthoe p Daiys tarnic atn. nual fee to the Florida Department of Commerce for $175. This is the only expense Maintenance: Contract Services: TmFoinheaselnid taD eMg iiesanmtnsrpaiecgentce t thmoiaofes nnc stoc, onmntretarecattcisnt egfdos rww tihittheh cDGoinsottvrreiacrctnt mSoerersnv atincaedl s Mm sauoncnahitg oaersmi nleagnn otd fs Suceatriplvieitc yae ansc dc– o laCukenent stm.r aali nFtleonraidnac,e .L SLeCr vtoic epsr otov iidnec luondesi twe efeieklldy 5 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Mitigation TWheet lDanisdt rMic Mitt iowgnaiitltlio obrnei n tgrhe rqouuigrheodu tto t hmea Dinisttariinc ta. nTdh em aomnoituonrt sth aer e2 b9a8s eadcr ueps oonf qJuurairstdeircltyi osnearvl iWceest. lands, Wetland Buffers, and TtaLlirrathitemneead rDmss ricoiesanftm pgrtie,hoc wveMt a heDalae.i isnds ttc eraoinncnadtt nr adacfecitse teerad is nwes itctaohln lYatetriloololn, w foesfrt tolianlniezda Lstacioannpd,es p cmaepsatet e c–ro iSnaolt urhotahl,se pabrseute,n nLiL ncCgo ,mt owp meleeadtieinndtg.a ,Ti nmh teuh lesce hlraivnnidgc,se csira ripnigicnalguti dwoeni t mhinionswp tehincegt ci,o oenmdsgm ainnognd, Description Monthly Annually Landscape Maintenance $27,534 $330,404 TOTAL $330,404 Lake Maintenance twTMhhaaretnoe uaDrgg isehqtmouruiaectlnti ttthhy Da ets icrs seottramoitcrmmtm e(uwSnnFtai.Wt tyeT Mrthh mDea )taD npcirrasiotgtrveeirimcdita ee h nfsoatt rsof arpcmcroielwni-ttdaireetasevc redt elmeodspa ignmwnaeiegtnhdet m tAvoeep ncrpsotl.un i esfdo p roAmsq ttu-oda ettihvcee l MoCpiatmny aeognfe tOm arelllanontw dIaonb cal.en tddo iS smochuaatihnrg tFaeli oncrr iitdtheaer W iala aaktneedsr Description Monthly Annually Lake Maintenance $970 $11,640 Total $11,640 Security Patrol The Distric t has contracted with the Orlando Police Department to provide security services throughout the fiscal year. Repairs & Maintenance: Facility Maintenance Tanhde mDiasitnrtiectn ahnacse c oonn ttrhaec tDeids twriictth’s G coovmemrnomne anrteaals M aannda agmemeneintite Sse. rvices – Central Florida, LLC to provide routine repairs RReeppareirsse &n tMs easintitmenaatendce c ost for repairs and maintenance of various facilities throughout the District. Operating Supplies Estimated cost of supplies purchased for operating and maintaining the clubhouse. Landscape Replacement Estimated cost related to the replacement of turf, trees, shrubs, etc. 6 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND ITror irgeactoiornd Rexeppaenirsse s for repairs to the irrigation system. BUDGET TFoou rnetcaoirnd R eexppaeirnss es for repairs and maintenance to the floating fountain at the Randal Park Clubhouse. Pressure Washing cTuor rbesc aonrdd seixdpeewnaslekss .r elated to the pressure washing of various areas of the District including the clubhouse, pool deck, Utilities: Utilities – Common Area ORerlparnedsoe nUttsi ltihtiee se Cstoimmmatiesds icoons pt rfoovr iedleesc ttrhiecs aen sde rrveiccleasi.m ed water utilities of the common areas within the District. The Streetlighting Orlando Utilities Commission provides for the streetlights within the community. Amenity Center: aoTAdvmhemeer niDsneiitisesyt t rMmeircaa trn iehnanatgetsean cmla opnenrnctoetrg arccaotmendt,r rwaecisttpsh o Grneodlva tetoer dnre mtsoied netthnaetl MrAeamqnueaengsiett,ym e etCcne. tn Steerr,v iccoensd –u Ccte nvtarrailo Fulso rsipdeac, iLaLl Ce vtoe nsttsa ftfh trhoeu Agmhoeunti ttyh Ce eynetaerr,, PRoeoplr Aestteenntds athnets e stimated cost to have pool attendants during certain times throughout the operating season for the pool. EPostoilm Paetremdi ct ost for required pool permit. TCahbel De iTsVtr/iIcntt hearns ecta/bTleel eteplheovnisei on, cable, internet service, and music services at the Amenity Center. Description Monthly Annually CCMaoubnsltieiScn p TSgeVeecr/ntvIrcniuyctm eesr net/Telephone $328 $3$$,935347458 TOTAL $4,857 7 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Utilities – Amenity Center This represents the estimated cost for electric and reclaimed water utilities of the Amenity Center. Commission provides these services. The Orlando Utilities sEResertfvuimisceae St. eedrv cioces t for trash removal service located at the Amenity Center. The Orlando Utilities Commission provides this Description Monthly Annually Refuse Services $264 $3,168 TOTAL $3,168 ARmeperneistye nCtesn ttheer eAsctciemssa tCeadr dcos st for providing and maintaining access card system. HVAC Maintenance The District will have preventative maintenance performed on the HVAC system. rTSephpeerc eiLasele iEnsvutser netht sAe cctoivsitt oiefs s uCpopolridesin, antootric ew oilfl ecvoeonrtdsi,n eattce. and provide various activities throughout the year. The amount Holiday Decorations The District will incur costs to related to the decoration of common areas during the Holidays. Security Monitoring The District incurs charges for the monitoring of the Amenity Center security system. Description Monthly Annually SWyin-Peragky $1$4505 $1$,486508 TOTAL $2,345 8 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND JAsTaehmnreviet inoDcrieitissyat lfrC oiSceret nrt htvheieacr seD. s ci Tsothnreitc rata’mcs toaemudn ewtn iiistth yb baRasuetghdbr uoy opCmoon mm 5ma dtesar.y csia pl eCrl ewaeneinkg t, h BIrUnocDu. GgthEooT pu rto tvhied efi sjcaanli tyoeraiar.l sCeirnvtiacse sa lason dp rsouvpipdleise sc lfeoarn tinhge Description Monthly Annually JCRaiunngittbaoysr -iCa Mol mSautm pCeplerlciaeinasi/ln MCglsae taenriinagls, Inc. $1,499 $1$$725,,,389788983 TOTAL $26,250 TPohoel DMisatirnitcetn wainllc ec ontract with respective companies for pool maintenance services. Description Monthly Annually Po35Coxxol nMaat aWWiningeeteeeenkknc CCaynll eecaaenn iinngg ((OJucnt --M Aauyg ,) S ep) $$22,,285500 $2$$810,,,524545000 TOTAL $30,240 Pool Chemicals & Repairs Estimated miscellaneous pool maintenance and chemical costs not included under the agreements with Spies Pools. Fitness Repairs & Maintenance Represents costs related to repairing and maintaining the fitness equipment owned by the District. RAmeperneistye nRtesp easitrism &a tMedai cnotesnt afonrc ere pairs and maintenance of the amenity center. Pest Control cTohset sD riestlaritcint gh atos tceornmtriatec tceodn wtriotlh a Anrdr aonwim Eanlv tirraopnpminegn.t al for monthly treatment at the Amenity Center. This also includes Description Annually PTAeensrimtm Caitole nT Btrroaopnl pdi ng/Vulture Taking $10$$,590180280 TOTAL $11,500 9 Randal Park Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Other: PIRnresopuprreearsnteycn eItn siss ut phrreao nevcsiedt iemda bteyd F lcoorsitd afo Irn spurroapnecrety A ilnlisaunrcaen. ce of the Amenity Center to be conveyed to the District. Property RCoenptriensgeenntcsy u nforeseen cost not budgeted in other line items. UTTrhpaeon nDs fciesortm rOicputlt e w-t iCiolaln pf,u ittnhadel RDaeniss aetrrnivncetu mala aym hoauvnet a f oCra pfuittaulr Re ecsoesrtv ree slatuteddy tpor ereppalraecde mtoe ennts aunrde arenpnauiarl loyf fcuanpditianlg a ssets of the District. 10 Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget Capital Reserve Fund Adopted Actual Projected Description FBYu2d0g2et4 6/T3h0r/u24 MNoenxtt h3s P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d Revenues ICTnartraernryse fFsetor rIwnard Surplus $$$ 2 9935 ,, 975240500 $$$ 3 1024,,92 -2319 $$$ 9 43,,39 -0275 $$$ 3 190374,,,292223589 $$$ 2 85 ,, 68 -1042 Total Revenues $ 390,165 $ 317,160 $ 98,232 $ 415,392 $ 34,416 Expenditures FCaitpnietsasl O Cuentltaeyr Repairs $$ 25,0 -00 $$ 30,5 -29 $$ 56,0 -00 $$ 3506,,050209 $$ 25 , 0 -00 Total Expenditures $ 25,000 $ 30,529 $ 56,000 $ 86,529 $ 25,000 $ - Excess Revenue/(Expenditures) $ 365,165 $ 286,631 $ 42,232 $ - $ 9,416 0 11 Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service - Series 2012 Adopted Actual Projected FBYu2d0g2et4 6/T3h0r/u24 MNoenxtt h3s P9r/oT3jhe0rc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d Revenues ICAnastrsereryses Fsmtoernwtasrd Surplus $$$ 344946 ,, 481050670 $$$ 34 349078,,,007626348 $$$ 10,0 --21 $$$ 34 449078,,,007826448 $$$ 34 299016,,,034402227 Total Revenues $ 841,364 $ 875,855 $ 10,021 $ 885,876 $ 907,772 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennnttt -- - 01 1151///000111 $$$ 111134158,,,005013068 $$$ 111134158,,,005013068 $$$ --- $$$ 111134158,,,005013068 $$$ 111233458,,,001018068 Total Expenditures $ 394,553 $ 394,554 $ - $ 394,554 $ 397,203 Excess Revenue/(Expenditures) $ 446,810 $ 481,301 $ 10,021 $ 491,322 $ 510,569 0 Interest Payment 11/1/25 134,188 $ Principal Payment 11/1/25 125,000 $ 259,188 $ ## Adopted # Budget FY2025 Add: Discounts & Collections 6% $$$ 34 229516,,,347001307 Description GroNsest AAsssseessssmmeennttss 12 Randal Park Community Development District Assessments Schedule - FY2025 Amortization Schedule DATE BALANCE 00000000000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111555555555555555555/////////////////////////////////////00000000000000000000000000000000000001111111111111111111111111111111111111/////////////////////////////////////22222222222333333333333333333334444440000111122223344455556666777788889999 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111111112222222222333333333333444 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000011111333333445566667777889999 337711223344444444446667788888899999911770000000000000000000000000055555550055,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000....................................00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ PRIN C 1111111112222223333I0012223344556677889P0000000000555555555A,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,L000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ------------------...................00000000000000000000000000000000000000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ INTE R 11111111111111111 E00001111222233333 11223344556677888899S0011112244667777811223344445555556688T,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,011222233334477990044555577778888999912222333344445588001155555566666666773333555557777779900222266888888889999....................................00003355555567777001122333355557777770000000000355558800000033555555558888 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TOT 3333333333333333334A0999999999999999999L1222233344444556667,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,011134444567778889901111223333555777880001255555677777888 ------------------...................00000000225555557770000000000000055555 $ 4,165,000.00 $ 3,479,956.25 $ 7,759,956.25 13 Debt Service - Series 2015 Adopted Actual Projected FBYu2d0g2e4t 6/T3h0r/u24 MNoenxtt h3s P9r/To3hj0erc/ut2e4d AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d Revenues ICAnastrsereryses Fsmtoernwtasrd Surplus $$$ 558859 ,,68 1032075 $$$ 55 479114,,,056057002 $$$ 13,6 --67 $$$ 55 579414,,,656657702 $$$ 56 248719,,,369304300 Total Revenues $ 1,175,562 $ 1,207,222 $ 13,667 $ 1,220,889 $ 1,258,873 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennnttt -- - 01 1151///000111 $$$ 111899558,,,009069089 $$$ 111899558,,,009004009 $$$ --- $$$ 111899558,,,009004009 $$$ 111899155,,,000036008 Total Expenditures $ 579,066 $ 578,949 $ - $ 578,949 $ 571,098 Excess Revenue/(Expenditures) $ 596,496 $ 628,273 $ 13,667 $ 641,940 $ 687,776 PIrnintecripesatl PPaayymmeenntt 1111//11//2255 $$$ 123099011,,,000033000 Adopted Budget FY2025 Add: DiscountGsr &os Cso Allsescetsiosnmse 6n%ts $$$ 56 328779,,,626303404 Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget Description Net Assessments 14 Randal Park Community Development District Assessments Schedule - FY2025 Amortization Schedule DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 11/01/24 7,680,000.00 $ 185,000.00 $ 195,067.50 $ 575,135.00 $ 05/01/25 7,490,000.00 $ - $ 191,030.00 $ - $ 11/01/25 7,490,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 191,030.00 $ 582,060.00 $ 05/01/26 7,290,000.00 $ - $ 186,780.00 $ - $ 11/01/26 7,290,000.00 $ 220,000.00 $ 186,780.00 $ 593,560.00 $ 05/01/27 7,070,000.00 $ - $ 181,280.00 $ - $ 11/01/27 7,070,000.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 181,280.00 $ 592,560.00 $ 05/01/28 6,840,000.00 $ - $ 175,530.00 $ - $ 11/01/28 6,840,000.00 $ 240,000.00 $ 175,530.00 $ 591,060.00 $ 05/01/29 6,600,000.00 $ - $ 169,530.00 $ - $ 11/01/29 6,600,000.00 $ 255,000.00 $ 169,530.00 $ 594,060.00 $ 05/01/30 6,345,000.00 $ - $ 163,155.00 $ - $ 11/01/30 6,345,000.00 $ 265,000.00 $ 163,155.00 $ 591,310.00 $ 05/01/31 6,080,000.00 $ - $ 156,530.00 $ - $ 11/01/31 6,080,000.00 $ 280,000.00 $ 156,530.00 $ 593,060.00 $ 05/01/32 5,800,000.00 $ - $ 149,530.00 $ - $ 11/01/32 5,800,000.00 $ 295,000.00 $ 149,530.00 $ 594,060.00 $ 05/01/33 5,505,000.00 $ - $ 142,155.00 $ - $ 11/01/33 5,505,000.00 $ 310,000.00 $ 142,155.00 $ 594,310.00 $ 05/01/34 5,195,000.00 $ - $ 134,405.00 $ - $ 11/01/34 5,195,000.00 $ 325,000.00 $ 134,405.00 $ 593,810.00 $ 05/01/35 4,870,000.00 $ - $ 126,280.00 $ - $ 11/01/35 4,870,000.00 $ 340,000.00 $ 126,280.00 $ 592,560.00 $ 05/01/36 4,530,000.00 $ - $ 117,780.00 $ - $ 11/01/36 4,530,000.00 $ 355,000.00 $ 117,780.00 $ 590,560.00 $ 05/01/37 4,175,000.00 $ - $ 108,550.00 $ - $ 11/01/37 4,175,000.00 $ 375,000.00 $ 108,550.00 $ 592,100.00 $ 05/01/38 3,800,000.00 $ - $ 98,800.00 $ - $ 11/01/38 3,800,000.00 $ 395,000.00 $ 98,800.00 $ 592,600.00 $ 05/01/39 3,405,000.00 $ - $ 88,530.00 $ - $ 11/01/39 3,405,000.00 $ 415,000.00 $ 88,530.00 $ 592,060.00 $ 05/01/40 2,990,000.00 $ - $ 77,740.00 $ - $ 11/01/40 2,990,000.00 $ 435,000.00 $ 77,740.00 $ 590,480.00 $ 05/01/41 2,555,000.00 $ - $ 66,430.00 $ - $ 11/01/41 2,555,000.00 $ 460,000.00 $ 66,430.00 $ 592,860.00 $ 05/01/42 2,095,000.00 $ - $ 54,470.00 $ - $ 11/01/42 2,095,000.00 $ 485,000.00 $ 54,470.00 $ 593,940.00 $ 05/01/43 1,610,000.00 $ - $ 41,860.00 $ - $ 11/01/43 1,610,000.00 $ 510,000.00 $ 41,860.00 $ 593,720.00 $ 05/01/44 1,100,000.00 $ - $ 28,600.00 $ - $ 11/01/44 1,100,000.00 $ 535,000.00 $ 28,600.00 $ 592,200.00 $ 05/01/45 565,000.00 $ - $ 14,690.00 $ - $ 11/01/45 565,000.00 $ 565,000.00 $ 14,690.00 $ 594,380.00 $ 7,675,000.00 $ 5,536,443.75 $ 13,396,443.75 $ 15 Randal Park Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service - Series 2018 Adopted Actual FBYu2d0g2et4 6/T3h0r/u24 PMrNooejnextct ht3esd 9/Ta3so0 to/af2l4 AFBdYuo2dp0gt2eet5d Revenues ICAnastrsereryses Fsmtoernwtasrd Surplus $$$ 1 6167,,96 075240 $$$ 1 61 478,,,890167371 $$$ 1 --78 $$$ 1 61 478,,,990967171 $$$ 1 71 277,,,466967644 Total Revenues $ 184,626 $ 190,851 $ 178 $ 191,029 $ 197,833 Expenditures IIPnnrttineerrceeipssatt lPP Paaayyymmmeeennnttt -- - 01 0155///000111 $$$ 344011,,,066088033 $$$ 344011,,,066088033 $$$ --- $$$ 344011,,,066088033 $$$ 344115,,,000066088 Total Expenditures $ 113,365 $ 113,365 $ - $ 113,365 $ 117,135 Excess Revenue/(Expenditures) $ 71,261 $ 77,486 $ 178 $ 77,664 $ 80,698 Interest Payment 11/1/25 $$ 4400,,228800 Adopted Budget FY2025 Add: DiscountGsr &os Cso Allsescetsiosnmse 6n%ts $$$ 1112 757,,,516178145 Description Net Assessments 16 Randal Park Community Development District Assessments Schedule - FY2025 Amortization Schedule DATE BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 11/01/24 1,620,000.00 $ - $ 41,067.50 $ 112,750.00 $ 05/01/25 1,620,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 41,067.50 $ - $ 11/01/25 1,585,000.00 $ - $ 40,280.00 $ 116,347.50 $ 05/01/26 1,585,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 40,280.00 $ - $ 11/01/26 1,550,000.00 $ - $ 39,492.50 $ 114,772.50 $ 05/01/27 1,550,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 39,492.50 $ - $ 11/01/27 1,515,000.00 $ - $ 38,705.00 $ 113,197.50 $ 05/01/28 1,515,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 38,705.00 $ - $ 11/01/28 1,475,000.00 $ - $ 37,805.00 $ 116,510.00 $ 05/01/29 1,475,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 37,805.00 $ - $ 11/01/29 1,435,000.00 $ - $ 36,905.00 $ 114,710.00 $ 05/01/30 1,435,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 36,905.00 $ - $ 11/01/30 1,390,000.00 $ - $ 35,768.75 $ 117,673.75 $ 05/01/31 1,390,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 35,768.75 $ - $ 11/01/31 1,345,000.00 $ - $ 34,632.50 $ 115,401.25 $ 05/01/32 1,345,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 34,632.50 $ - $ 11/01/32 1,300,000.00 $ - $ 33,496.25 $ 113,128.75 $ 05/01/33 1,300,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 33,496.25 $ - $ 11/01/33 1,250,000.00 $ - $ 32,233.75 $ 115,730.00 $ 05/01/34 1,250,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 32,233.75 $ - $ 11/01/34 1,200,000.00 $ - $ 30,971.25 $ 113,205.00 $ 05/01/35 1,200,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 30,971.25 $ - $ 11/01/35 1,145,000.00 $ - $ 29,582.50 $ 115,553.75 $ 05/01/36 1,145,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 29,582.50 $ - $ 11/01/36 1,085,000.00 $ - $ 28,067.50 $ 117,650.00 $ 05/01/37 1,085,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 28,067.50 $ - $ 11/01/37 1,025,000.00 $ - $ 26,552.50 $ 114,620.00 $ 05/01/38 1,025,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 26,552.50 $ - $ 11/01/38 960,000.00 $ - $ 24,911.25 $ 116,463.75 $ 05/01/39 960,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 24,911.25 $ - $ 11/01/39 895,000.00 $ - $ 23,270.00 $ 113,181.25 $ 05/01/40 895,000.00 $ 70,000.00 $ 23,270.00 $ - $ 11/01/40 825,000.00 $ - $ 21,450.00 $ 114,720.00 $ 05/01/41 825,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 21,450.00 $ - $ 11/01/41 750,000.00 $ - $ 19,500.00 $ 115,950.00 $ 05/01/42 750,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 19,500.00 $ - $ 11/01/42 670,000.00 $ - $ 17,420.00 $ 116,920.00 $ 05/01/43 670,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 17,420.00 $ - $ 11/01/43 585,000.00 $ - $ 15,210.00 $ 117,630.00 $ 05/01/44 585,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 15,210.00 $ - $ 11/01/44 500,000.00 $ - $ 13,000.00 $ 113,210.00 $ 05/01/45 500,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 13,000.00 $ - $ 11/01/45 410,000.00 $ - $ 10,660.00 $ 113,660.00 $ 05/01/46 410,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 10,660.00 $ - $ 11/01/46 315,000.00 $ - $ 8,190.00 $ 113,850.00 $ 05/01/47 315,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 8,190.00 $ - $ 11/01/47 215,000.00 $ - $ 5,590.00 $ 113,780.00 $ 05/01/48 215,000.00 $ 105,000.00 $ 5,590.00 $ - $ 11/01/48 110,000.00 $ - $ 2,860.00 $ 113,450.00 $ 05/01/49 110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 2,860.00 $ 112,860.00 $ 1,650,000.00 $ 1,378,607.50 $ 3,028,607.50 $ 17 Randal Park Assessments Schedule - FY2025 General Fund Assessment Calculation Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee5td Randal Park Randal Walk Combined AFdTYo2op0tat2el5d Revenues SCRAMpoeciestnloicctvineaaillitllsai aAeln sPsesroeouspsse mRrteeivenset snCuoentribution $$$$$ 1,1 5 5 1 1595,,,,,600068000000007 $$$$$ 54 599,,, 005 --008001 $$$$$ 8,7 ----75 $$$$$ 5 59 153,,,063 --002074 $$$$$ 1,1 5 5 1 1595,,,,,600068000000007 Total Revenues $ 1,222,287 $ 563,581 $ 8,775 $ 649,932 $ 1,222,287 Expenditures Administrative IISFLPPPPETTAAAAOODDMWnnurrronIeiufttrrsenafsCefshtioopgsbulgsionennsoebucaAeetippeissureaptnestralrsrrt,ee i mgrm Ea inhAegaLsne vSrrCtealeexnmeeoui gdettiaimgAucrspny yyc n tpFve&Mereoiueeia eenpeTAeonrnrntd naeBgrlensitpa siiiFtostn eetinx Ape iTneFnsstsetrde dee iasC&Aansmcenihingghs scSaiegenenurnroibgtslestoscrgrayitpiotinons $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111125 1111122458000122 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0002355568000005 11238900000035690000020000170000004456000045000058 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 178,,, 023 -------------------005000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 34 ,, 566 -------------------070050 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1125 1111224580002 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0002355560000112389 ---00000356900000000170000044560004000058 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 111125 1111122458000122 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0002355568000005 11238900000035690000020000170000004456000045000058 Total Administrative $ 147,671 $ 16,550 $ 8,775 $ 122,346 $ 147,671 Maintenance Contract Services: SFLLMeiaaeickntluiddegr saMMicttiyaaaopi nPnneaat MgMeternomaoanilnne i(cttn7oeet5nr%ianng/c2e5 (%75)%/25%) $$$$$ 3 1124301190,,,,,226940345000034 $$$$$ 3805,, 59 ---3588 $$$$$ ----- $$$$$ 2 1112400194,,,,,236980134400336 $$$$$ 3 1124301190,,,,,226940345000034 Repairs & Maintenance IFFLPROrraaoeprecnpueisigdranlsiaaisttruttcaysiiraion nMe&png WMe a SMR iRuanaeaeipstpnipehpnatnlilteianireanecgsnnsea ac( mn(2ne7c 0ec(e5ne7%% t5( /7(%/785250/%52%%%/5/)2%)255)%%)) $$$$$$$ 1133 3990045,,,,,,,008000000000030000001 $$$$$$$ 122 17125,,,,, 38255 --0502500003 $$$$$$$ ------- $$$$$$$ 1 2337780,,,,,,,024557000005500000080 $$$$$$$ 1133 3990045,,,,,,,008000000000030000001 Subtotal Maintenance $ 534,259 $ 184,919 $ - $ 349,339 $ 534,259 18 Randal Park Assessments Schedule - FY2025 General Fund Assessment Calculation Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee5td Randal Park Randal Walk Combined AFdTYo2op0tat2el5d Utilities SUttrileietitelisg -h Ctionmgmon Area $$ 1 3231,,000000 $$ -- $$ -- $$ 1 3231,,000000 $$ 1 3231,,000000 Amenity Center JSSFCPPPPPRAAAUHHaepeooooiaetmmmoVntcisebfoooonlliuuAtceeeiiltlllletd es irnnnoCCCPAMisa aeieTiiiro esthlMtttty s aiSyEyyy tnrVeaR iee-Da mv tnmlM/CRM ren irASeetInvepieodioenecnatmctnipaalnronntcetatianevesarenarileitsrntniagsarrocs ntie &cn s&etArieme oycs& itc RneMn /eCc geMTsneeapsteniaansltiie nterCpertsanhernaodnansnceece $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 11112230 12345901555690 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00135802245569 55 -00045600044553570005780000001004 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 11112230 12345901555690 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00135802245569 55 -00045600044553570005780000001004 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ----------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ----------------- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 11112230 12345901555690 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 00135802245569 55 -00045600044553570005780000001004 Other CPTroroannptisenfregtrey nO Icnuyst u- rCaanpcieta (l7 R0e%se/r3v0e% (7)0%/30%) $$$ 235455,,,008013229 $$$ 133488,,,005136123 $$$ --- $$$ 1 76,,75 -4016 $$$ 235455,,,008013229 Subtotal Maintenance $ 540,358 $ 362,111 $ - $ 178,246 $ 540,358 Total Expenditures $ 1,222,287 $ 563,581 $ 8,775 $ 649,932 $ 1,222,287 Excess Revenue/(Expenditures) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - PPGAANeeersdrrsotd eAUUs: ssDsnns Asiiiasttebs csAAsloseessmu sssUnmeeentssnisesstt nmmsastneednn Cttsso --ll PRechatanisodenasls 1W ( 6-a %5lk) $$$$$ 557 3748935479,3,, 056 -.58680801 $$$$$ 10 7 889 ,,7 375 -.23764550 $$$$$ 956 036639479913,88,,813..2272923346 $$$$$ T 11o 1,,t12 a ,425 77l315381,,,5165..8891400117 19 Randal Park Community Development District Assessments Schedule - FY2025 Phase 1A and 1B No. Of Units Per Unit, O & M Series 2012 Series 2015 Series 2018 Total SSSTiiionnnwgggllleeen hFFFoaaammmmiiielllyyy 456000''' 10586030 $$$$ 111,,,444 -333222 $$$$ 111,,,011 -277269 $$$$ ---- $$$$ ---- $$$$ 222,,,556 -015148 Phase 2 & 3 No. Of Units Per Unit, O & M Series 2012 Series 2015 Series 2018 Total SSSTTiiioonnnwwgggllleeenn hhFFFooaaammmmmiiieelllyyy 456000''' 222834775 $$$$$ 11111,,,,,444443333322222 $$$$$ 111 ,,,011 8 -27702695 $$$$$ 1 ,1 22331001571124 $$$$ ---- $$$$$ 22222,,,,,558880014503599 Phase 4 & 5 No. Of Units Per Unit, O & M Series 2012 Series 2015 Series 2018 Total SSSTiiionnnwgggllleeen hFFFoaaammmmiiielllyyy 456000''' 11101335593 $$$$ 1111,,,,444433332222 $$$$ ---- $$$$ 1111,,,,156703561155 $$$$ ---- $$$$ 2233,,,,015936892366 Randal Walk No. Of Units Per Unit, O & M Series 2012 Series 2015 Series 2018 Total SSSTiiionnnwgggllleeen hFFFoaaammmmiiielllyyy 456000''' 107000 $$$$ 7 ---85 $$$$ ---- $$$$ ---- $$$$ 1,1 ---70 $$$$ 1,9 ---55 Total Units 904 20